Sirloin Tip Steak
Sirloin Tip Steak
Sold both thin-cut and thick-cut. This steak is lean and economical. Marinate round tip steak, thick-cut. Cook both cuts to medium rare (145°F) doneness. This steak also meets government guidelines for lean.
Nutrition information per 3-ounce cooked serving: 148 calories; 5 g fat (2 g saturated fat; 2 g monounsaturated fat); 23 g protein; 0.3 mg vitamin B6; 1.3 mcg vitamin B12; 2.0 mg iron; 4.0 mg zinc.
Recommended Cooking Methods
- Skillet
Also Known As:
- Ball Tip Steak
- Breakfast Steak
- Knuckle Steak (Peeled)
- Round Tip steak
- Sandwich Steak
- Trimmed Tip Steak